How to deposit funds into DSL

  1. You can use any krypto wallet you want but I will be using Kraken. To start with, you will need to open a Kraken account. This will be your crypto wallet for all your deposits and withdrawals.

  2. Once your Kraken account has been created, you will need to deposit money from your bank account to your kraken account. To do this, click the purple button in the bottom center of your screen.

  3. Now click deposit, click Pound Sterling(GBP) and then finally Link bank account

  4. Enter the name of your bank. Once you’ve selected your bank, enter the amount you want to deposit. If it is your first time you will need to enter at least £85 ($103).

Note: your bank may refuse this transaction as some banks have a policy against depositing into cryptocurrency due to high risk of fraud. If this is the case, then you will have to buy the tether cryptocurrency directly. However this will mean you will not be able to withdraw your tether into DSL for 72 hours (3 days). You can also skip to the withdrawal process in Step 9

  1. Once the money has reached your kraken account, you will then need to click the purple button in the bottom center of your screen and click convert

  2. You need to convert your £GBP into Tether(USDT)

  3. The From section should say £GBP. Enter the amount you wish to convert. (Percentage buttons will appear above the keypad, you can press Max to enter the full amount.)

  4. In the To section, it needs to say T USDT. If it doesn’t, press the button and find Tether(USDT). Once selected, it will show you how much currency you have in Tether. Click Review and swipe to confirm.

  5. Once this has been converted, you will then need to press the purple button in the bottom center and click withdraw.

  6. Click Tether(USDT) and enter the amount you want to deposit into DSL.

  7. Then click Add new address, select the network as Tron (this is very important).

  8. You will now need to open DSL. On the home tab, click deposit. You should see a QR code on the screen and above it, a drop down menu. Make sure you select trc20-USDT from the drop down menu and then copy your wallet address.

  9. Head back to Kraken and paste your wallet address, add your description, click review and slide to confirm.

  10. You are now done. Head back to DSL and you should see your deposit. (It may take a few minutes to appear.)

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Please note that we are in no way connected to DSL itself. If you have any queries relating to your account, etc. Please contact DSL support

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