Getting started with DSL

  1. Visit and select any of the tabs along the bottom to prompt the register screen to appear to create your account. Alternatively, you can download the DSL app from the Google Play Store / Apple app store.

  2. Upon signup, you will need to enter an invite code. You can use this code 528374 or visit to signup. Once your account is created, you should be logged in. If not, then simply log in with the account you have just created. You should find a free $8 welcome bonus in your account.

  3. To get started, you will need to deposit a minimum of $100 (£82) to activate your DSL account. For this, you will need a cryptocurrency wallet. I use Kraken because it is very well known and reliable.

  4. Create a Kraken account and deposit your funds. It is a fairly straight forward process. You can find an easy to follow how-to guide here. (Due to Kraken fees, I would suggest depositing £85 just to make sure that you have the $100 that you need when sending funds to your DSL wallet)

  5. You should now be at the stage where you have got funds in your DSL Account. Roughly $108 minimum.

  6. Along the bottom you’ll see 5 tabs. Home, Team, Invest, Whitepaper and Mine. Click Invest. Now you should see a big blue button that says Start to quantify. Click this button. You can do this 5 times.

  7. That’s it. You are setup to quantify and earn a profit. You can deposit more funds if you want to. Or you can just use the funds in your account. If you are interested in understanding what the app actually does then you can click here to find out.

  8. If you would like to join a support group with like-minded people then get in touch below. See you there!

Want more help?

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us.

Please note that we are in no way connected to DSL itself. If you have any queries relating to your account, etc. Please contact DSL support

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